Emerging Nanoelectronic Devices Research Laboratory

(eNDR Lab)

Present Members:

Arya KR  (Physics Major, IISER-TVM)
Duration: 2018-19 (2 Semester long)

Research Topic: 
Design of perovskite based solar cells.

Vishnu O  (Physics Major, IISER-TVM)
Duration: 2018-19 (2 Semester long)

Research Topic: InGaZnO based TFTs with memristor property.

Past Members:

Anubhab Dey  (Physics Major, IISER-TVM)
Duration: 2017-18 (2 Semester).

Research Topic: 
Low voltage Organic Electrochemical Transistor Device Fabrication and Characterization.

Devika G .S  (Physics Major, IISER-TVM)
Duration: 2017-18 (2 Semester).            Presently: Ph.D., University of  California, Merced.

Research Topic: 
Design of nanomaterials based photovoltaic devices

Swetha C M  (Physics Major, IISER-TVM)
Duration: 2017-18 (2 Semester)

Research Topic: 2D TMDs based thin film devices: Fabrication and Characterizations

Sarath A  (Physics Major IISER-TVM)
Duration: 2016-17 (2 Semester).      Presently: Ph.D., CeNSE, IISc Bangalore.

Project Title: Doping strategy of CdSe QDs with manganese to tune electronic property 

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